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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Lyle Victor Qualley
3.19.1949 - November 6, 2022

Place of Birth: Williston, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 73

Loreeta Leer Canton (Naples, Florida)
Nov 8, 2022
Sending you all our condolences. Lyle was such a gentle soul and a good man. Hugs to all my cousins.
Love, Loreeta and Don
Duane and Kathy Binde (Williston , ND)
Nov 8, 2022
Lyle was a gentle and kind man, and a loving spouse to his Patti. Their love for each other was a joy to see. Frequently I would see them as they loaded up in books-they loved to read. Our prayers surround you, God bless. Duane and Kathy
Nov 9, 2022
Lived down the road at the Perdue's. What a good guy he was
Tyrone Langager (Minot , ND)
Nov 9, 2022
Remember Lyle with good cheer.
Harlan Brekke (Fargo, ND)
Nov 11, 2022
I grew up on a farm near his parents and went to rural church and grade school with Lyle and his siblings. We always had fun together with his family.
Linda (Davidson) Wooters (Denton, TX)
Nov 11, 2022
Deeply saddened to hear about Lyle. He was a classmate in Ray. At the time he was quite shy. Mr Tweeten tried to talk him into going to the Prom. He even offered to pay for the corsage, and let his use his bright "yellow car". Nope, Lyle didn't take him up on the offer. The other guys in the class thought that was a pretty good offer. In later years after Lyle got into genealogy, he visited my parents and told them that our families were short tail relatives. Rest in Peace, Lyle. You were definitely a kind and gentle man.