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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Calvin Dale DeTienne
3.14.1957 - August 16, 2021

Place of Birth: Minot, North Dakota
Residence: New Town, North Dakota
Age: 64

Margaret Renbarger
Aug 20, 2021
Calvin's Family, I was very sorry to read of Calvin's passing. We were classmates from high school. thoughts and prayers to all of you. May the memories you hold dear comfort you now and in the days to come.
Holly (Erickson) Rothenberger (Robins, IA)
Aug 20, 2021
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of my cousin Calvin. Adjustment will not be easy; as you go through the next few months, remember the good times and cherish the memories. These can never be taken away.
Leland Kulland (Burnsville, MN)
Aug 26, 2021
Cheri (Pennington) and I wish to offer our condolences to Calvin's family and especially to his parents, Ardis and Delvin. Cheri went to school with him when he went to New Town schools. I knew his brother, Alan, pretty well, growing up near the family. Knowing the DeTienne Family, I am sure he was a good family man and great person.