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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

James "Jim" David Abel
7.2.1943 - November 4, 2020

Place of Birth: Minot, North Dakota
Residence: Velva, North Dakota
Age: 77

Tracy DuRose (Albertville, Minnesota)
Nov 5, 2020
So many memories of hot summers and ice cold winters spent with Uncle Jim and his family. All the Abel's getting together for BBQ's and Christmas. One that sticks out most is Brian and I were getting into trouble and Brian whispers to me tell him you did it cause he won't yell at you. I think we were around 10. Uncle Jim you will be missed by all who knew you. Rest easy now.
Greg Abel (Minneapolis , MN)
Nov 5, 2020
My deepest condolences for the Jim Abel family. The news of hospitalization has been on my mind for days and then the news of yesterday, silenced. So many found, fun memories. Loved the large family gatherings at the farm and our reunions, cards, eating, running around the farm, and always taking a tour of Jim’s cars behind the farm buildings. Jim is my Godfather. There is one thing Jim told me while we were standing in my moms driveway on around May 3, 1996. And what he told me has since become my mantra, and that is “if man built it, man can fix it”. I use it every time I take on a project I know nothing about. And you know, it provides me the motivation to tackle that project I ever done before and get it accomplished. Thank you Jim.
Claudette Parman (Lorton, VA)
Nov 7, 2020
Jim was a good man; he was generous and always willing to help anyone. He always had a smile and a joke. His best attribute was his love of family, his family, his parents, his brothers and sisters and their families. I have so many happy memories of Thanksgivings and Christmas in Velva. Everyone was always welcome and there was always a pinochle game waiting. Jim, your good nature and smile will be missed. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let the Perpetual Light shine upon him. May Jim rest in peace.
Jeanne Rodgers (Velva)
Jun 14, 2021
Jim was kind and hardworking. I have followed his wishes and donated to the Velva American Legion.