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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Harold Charles Dahl
5.27.1920 - March 3, 2020

Place of Birth: Fairview, MT
Residence: Fairview, MT
Age: 99

Ray Unterseher (Watford City, North Dakota )
Mar 9, 2020
Harold lived a very profitable life. Few worked as hard as Harold! I remember him as a child growing up at Sioux Pass and Fairview. I remember that my Uncle George Sjostrom herded Harold’s sheep for many many years! Harold and George were very good friends. The last time I saw Harold was in July 1982 at my Uncle Georges’s Funeral. We had a very nice visit! I remember Penny from school! She was a very nice girl and I never forgot her! Rest In Peace Harold Dahl, you deserve it!
Ray Unterseher
Tom Miller (Rapid City, Sd)
Jul 15, 2020
Harold always treated me with respect when he came into the Farmers Elevator to either sell or buy
Grain later he dealt with Bill Mason at M & M Grain
Penny was my class mate sharp lady great classmate. Darby Dennis Lisa & Patsy fitting to have service for Harold at Old timers festival Harold carry that flag proudly wherever his future journey takes u !